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Where Have All The Flowers Gone

Maurie Mulheron started the night with the Illawarra Union Singers among those who joined in. The concert was not rehearsed and the planning was in the last hour or two leading up to the concert with the usual on stage changes occurring making for a great evening.

Pete Seeger Tribute

Friday, 2nd of February saw the Illawarra Folk Club hold a Pete Seeger Tribute which the Illawarra Union Singers also participated in, here they are singing 16 Tons led by Douglas.

Hiroshima 2013

The Mall is under reconstruction and the Illawarra Union Singers sand outside the Wesley Church this year, a pretty good turnout for a chilly weekday morning.

Latest from Brian for 2012

First half of the year we have

  • Cobargo Folk Festival, 25th & 26th February
  • Coledale Public School 150th Anniversary, 31st March (Date to be confirmed)
  • National Folk Festival, Canberra, Easter weekend
  • May Day Toast, (Date to be confirmed)
  • Combined Choir’s get-together, Newcastle, Sat, June 2nd & Sunday, June 3rd